Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ENG311: How can we make our city a better place to live?

Mongolian capital city is Ulaanbaatar city. The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Fumes and smoke from the factories are polluting the air. Furthermore, the rivers are being polluted by chemicals from the factories and people are suffering from breathing difficulties and stomach and heart problems. We should do something it is too late. Air pollution is very important problem in our town. The biggest air polluters are ger district and chemical factories . They give off dangerous fumes. Consequently, people get sick breathing diseases. To prevent from polluters governments shouldrenew city ctructure and building new houses. Water pollution is a serious problem caused by human activities. Factories are dumping their garbage into the rivers! We have to teach world that water is our life and we must to save it! For example we can stop using the products of companies whose factories cause pollution and so on. There is a lot of rubbish in the streets in our town.because people are throwing away their rubbish into the street.Also, After picnic they leave a lot of plastic bottles, packing and disposal container. It is very pathetic sight… We have to say our friends and survivors not to litter because it is very bad indeed for our environment! All things considered there are many solutions to all the problems.

ENG311: Junk food is bad for our health

However, junk food is sweet, tasteful and nutty it is bad for your health. Because there are too many disadvantages. Such as:
it's too much fat, too much sugar, and too much salt. Junk food is a pften too much salt, sugar, fat, and bad for your health. There's a lot of salt in foods such as bread, breakfast cereals and biscuits and cakes. So people are getting more salt than they need when they eat junk food. Too much salt is unhealthy for the heart.Soft drinks, biscuits, cakes and lollies all have lots of sugar.It's makes them taste so good! But too much sugar makes people fat, rots the teeth, is bad for the blood and may cause other diseases.

ENG311: Advantages and disadvantages of cycling

Cycling as a means of transport. There are many advantages and disadvantages of cycling . To begin with, cycling is a cheaper than other forms . You do no have to spend money on things such as petrol or costly repairs. Also, cycling helps you stay fit. It’s a good form of exercise, particulary for the legs, heart. Finally, cycling is an environmentally-firiendly way to travel because it doesn’t create air polution.

However, cycling has also disadvantages.For example:
Empty to ride a bike, and more time you invalid to pass. Cycling is such conditions can be dangerous. What is more, cycling on a busy roads isn’t very safe. Drivers don’t care about people on bikes. Finally, if you leave your bike near a shop it might be stolen.

All things considered, although there are some disadvantages to use your bike, I’m sure it’s very healthy. We can stay fit, and as a result live longer.

ENG311: Travelling by a boat

Boat travel is a charming alternative to long haul flying. A little known and cheap boat travel option, is popular with student travelers and adventurers of all ilk. And with Easy Cruise ships bobbing up in world ports, "regular" cruises are now navigating the cheap boat travel fun lanes. So what's up with cruises and boat travel in general.
There are so many advantages in travelling by a boat. Such as:
More comfortable to travel
You can go for a walk on the desk
Eat in a restaurant or even go shopping
More space to move
Cheaper than other forms
However, travelling by a boat does have disadvantages. For example:
It usually takes a very long time other forms
All in all travelling by boat is fun. During the travlling you see different kinds of boats. Some boats are for work, some are for travel and pleasure, and some are for saving lives. At the Hong Kong Maritime Museum in Stanley, they also find big model boats and many interactive games. Do you want to find your favourite boat and plan a ride in it over the coming holiday?

ENG311: English and Maths are more important subjects than Art and Music

I personally consider intelligence should be defined by individuals. However, because we live in societies, we greatly have to follow what the society has set up. I agree with exersice3 that why is certain academic intelligence treated more importantly than others – for example, visual art. In general, I believe many societies (typically schools and parents) value the grades in math, language and science of their children more than art/music. In fact, my parents always look at my math and English grades first and then look at my art grade in the end.
I agree with the argument some people may have that math, language and science compose the basics of education. Many generations have valued these areas of education and the sequence is still continuing. Math makes logic. Language explores our skills of expressing feelings and (hopefully) improves our writing ability. Science are generally study and understanding of facts/theories/laws – where we generally can use the information worldwide.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ENG311: Unemployment

Unemployment and all it's problem has become a major problems fecing governments today. It can be very depressing for people. The level of unemployment has increased in recent years at the end of 2003. 38.2 thousand registered unemployed peopleentered into work. The number of unemployed women was 81.1 thousand. There are several reasons for unemployment in Mongolia. The main reason fot this, because privatisation of the national factories stagnated and the number of industries has declined. Secondly, the salary isn't enough for a good quality of life, especially since workers have low-paid salary.
Thirdly, Some people don't have enough training or experience, so it is difficult to find a good job.
Also, someone maybe fired for excessive absence, drinking, fighting and other unacceptable behavior at work. Of course if a person is fired for these reason, they could't find another job.
Indeed, the government need to find a way out of unemployment. In my opinion, the government should encourage many big foreign companies to invest and put producttion in Mongolia. Businesses, especially large companies should provide a slot for school leavers, graduates and older employees who feel left on the shelf. They should provide them on the job training and experiense even if for a lower salary.
In conclution we could say that by working hand in hand governments and businesses can help solve what is the biggest social and political problem of all time.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eng311: The Judge's house-book review

Malcolm Malcolmson was a student at college and it is his final year. Classes had finished and Malcolm was studying hard for his examinations. He lived with his family and the large house was always noisy. Because of it was too noisy, So he wanted to change his house and move. His grandparents agreed and he moved Benchurch. First day he stayed at the hotel and next day he found old house that no one has lived.
A long time ago a famous judge lived there. And he as a very cruel man. he had no mercy on any criminal. He ordered the criminals to be hanged. Many people died because he showed them no mercy. But it didn't matter to Malcolm and he has just thinking about his examination. When he entered the house, the rooms were very dark. Malcolm pulled aside the dark, heavy curtains. The furniture in the rooms was old. It was all covered with sheets. the dining room was big and there was a large tasle in the cebtre. Malcolm decided to live in that one room. There were so many rats. One of the rats was enormous and that was evil eyes. Although it seemed to him to horrioble, he thought it didn't matter. Spend to be more time prepared his examinations and he was satisfied that. But he was afraid of that enormous rat. So he tried to kill it. Oneday cleaning house woman come to Judge's house and cleaning it. At that time she told Malcolm to story of house. And judge used to use rope to hang paople. Then she pointed big, wooden high-backed chair besides the fire and suid to be careful. Next day at 11 o'clock a lot of rats were squueking and stratching. Suddenly at that time lamp were turned off. And Malcolm made a fire. The eyes of the judge were like the eyes of the enormous rat. He were shoked and screamed loudly. His neighbor ran quickly to Judge's house. Then they found Malcolm in the dining room. His body was hanging from the end of the alarm bell rope. They all stood and looked at the painting. The judge in the painting was sitting in the big, wooden high-backed diar besides the fire. There was a smile on the Judge's face. It was an evil smile.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Vanessa Mae Nicholson
Vanessa Mae Vanakorn Nicholson was born in Singapore on October 27, 1978. her father is Chinese and her mother is Thai. One day she took a special gift which was the violin. When she was only ten, she played in her first concert with an orchestra, and she was touring internationally by the age of 12. Vanessa Mae also started recording albums. In 1995, the "Violen Player" debuted at number 2 Britain's Top 40 album chart.
Today Vanessa Mae is known for more tham just her classical music.

Shopping in Britain
British shop open at 9:00 am and they close at 5:00 or 6:00 pm. Big British shops don't close for lunch. Small shops usually close for an hour at lunch time. Most shops are closed on Saturday. On one or two days a weel usually Thursday and Friday some large shops are open till about 8:00 pm for late night shopping. Most British families don't buy their milk or newspaper from a shop. A milkman and a paperboy or a papergirl bring them to their houses. Marks and Spencer's a large clothes and food supermarket.