There was a poor man who had to work for a king. He got so little eat that he was soon thin and sick. One day he run away into the thick woods. There he met a lion. A loud glow came from the lion's threat, , and the man ran for his life.Then he saw that the lion did not come for him.
I think the poor beast needs help, he said the man. So he went back. When he got hear, the lion held out his foot and tied up the lions foot. The lion get up and liaced his hand like a dog to thank him. The lion got meat the man, and they hid in the woods for many eggs. At the last the kings's men set a trap for the lion and got him. Other men found the man, too and too in him back to the ring. So said the ring, you run away from me. You must die. I'll throw you to the lions.
They gave the lions no food for 3 days. Then they put the man into a big pen and let one of the lions in. The poor man fell to the ground and waited for the lion to kill him.
When the lion saw the man, he roared and ran for him. But whrn he came near, he stopped. It was the same lion the man had helped in the woods. The lion put his mouth up to the man's fall and licked him. The kinh called the man to him.
Why did the lion not eat you up? he asked. So th e man - hold the king the story of the thorn. You may so freer., said the king. You may take the lion with you. So the man jumped on the lion's back and rode away into the woods.
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